@ Cooperative PROJECTS

1. Project about "THE PRESENT PERFECT form" explained and developed in different attractive ways using easy e-learning tools". 

A. Instructions:
a. Make 5 groups (in a class of 25 aprox)
b Give the different task to each group.
c. Every group will write a daily repport of what they've done with conclusions and progress of the work.

- GROUP A: will explain the Present Perfect form from a grammar point of view using the e-learning tool edcanvas (pictures, grammar charts, diagrams...)
- GROUP B: will find a song with an important presence of the Present Perfect form on its lines and invent a fill-up-the gaps worksheet to teach it. Use the following e-tools: google docs  (for the worksheet) and spaciopodcast or youtube (to post the song)
- GROUP C: will write a tale for kids in Present Perfect in 8-10 pages using the e-tool story bird
- GROUP D: will create a question form of 20 questions with several options (4) using google drive form to be made in a future session by the rest of students.
- GROUP E: will make a blog where everything will be posted. Use blogger whose title could be: "E-learning Project: the Present Perfect"

B. Result:    LEARNINGTOOLS PP blog  
C. More Results: PRESENT SIMPLE routines

2. Trabajo cooperativo-encuesta: "¿Qué nivel de idiomas hay en tu ciudad?"

1. Explicación prezi del proyecto:

2. Resultados en gráficos de la encuesta utilizando Google Drive:

Pregunta1-¿Conoces algún idioma a parte del Español?(edad)
Pregunta 1-¿Conoces algún idioma a parte del Español?(sexo)

Pregunta 2: ¿Dónde lo aprendió?(por edad) 
Pregunta 2: ¿Dónde lo aprendió?(por sexo)

Pregunta 3. ¿Le gusta aprender idiomas? (por edad)
Pregunta 3. ¿Le gusta aprender idiomas? (por sexo)

Pregunta 4. ¿A qué edad empezó a aprenderlo? (por edad)
Pregunta 4. ¿A qué edad empezó a aprenderlo? (por sexo)

Pregunta 5. ¿Con qué frecuencia habla ese idioma extranjero? (por edad)
Pregunta 5. ¿Con qué frecuencia habla ese idioma extranjero? (por sexo)

Pregunta 6.¿Le cuesta trabajo aprender idiomas extranjeros? (por edad)
Pregunta 6. ¿Le cuesta trabajo aprender idiomas extranjeros? (por sexo)


3. Project about the use of the COMPARATIVES.

A. Instructions:
a. Make three groups (in a class of 18-19 students)
b. Each group decides what physical caractheristics they are going to compare (15 in total 5 each group): arms lenght, height, foot size, eyes colour, colour brightness...
c. Each group makes pictures with its laptop for a former power point using google drive. See the pictures bellow: 

-------> Students using their laptops to make pictures

-------> Students using goolgle drive to form their comparations
B. Results: 

Group 1:  

Group 2: 

Group 3: 

4. Little cooperative works to express the difference between ROUTINES, PRESENT MOMENTS and PLANS (1ºESO 2014)

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3



5. Little cooperative works to express the comparation: comparative and superlative forms of the adjective.


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