Wednesday, September 14, 2011

@ Australia in a few lines...

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What do you know about Australia? Do you know what is special about this country? What kind of animals live in Australia? Who were the first inhabitants?

Do the following webquest by groups of 3 and try to discover other things that books don't say!  

       THE ABORIGINES (Australia)

Aboriginal people arrived in Australia about 50,000 years ago. They may have traveled from Asia across land bridges that were exposed when sea levels were lower. The hardy Aborigines have learned to live in the harsh conditions of the outback. Dutch explorers first landed in Australia in 1606, and the British began to settle there in 1788.
 Many settlers were criminals sent to live in Australia as punishment. For a short time, the newcomers lived peacefully with the Aboriginal people. But soon, fighting broke out over who owned the land. In 1851, gold was discovered in Australia. A rush to find riches brought thousands of new immigrants, and by 1859, six separate colonies existed. In 1901, these colonies joined to form a British commonwealth.

2. MUSIC: The didgeridoo

THE MAORI  (New Zealand)

* A. THE HAKA DANCE (tutorial)


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