Wednesday, June 03, 2009

@ What or Which? (4º ESO)

What are the differences between them?
A......What and which can be interchangeable with little difference in meaning. Often what and which are used for the sake of variety.

Ex. Which / What would you say are the most polluted cities in the world?
Ex. What / which route did you take?

B...........However, when we are choosing between two or three options, we usually prefer which. If there is no limit to the number of choices, what is used.

Ex. What would you like in your sandwiches? I've got cheese or tuna. Which would you prefer?

C..........what / which before nouns can be used interchangeably to ask questions about people or things:

Ex.What / Which colour trousers would you like? Brown, green, blue, orange or maroon?Ex.Which / What writers have made the biggest impression on you?

D............which - before 'one' and 'of'.
However, if we wish to use the which of or which one constructions, our choice is limited to which:

Ex. Which of these cars are you interested in driving?
Ex. Which ones should I choose?

In other words...
1.What is used to refer to objects or ideas in an open question.
2.Which is preferred when a choice is given of items you can choose from.

Fill up the gaps. Choose between WHICH or WHAT: 
  1. ............. dentist did you see, Dr Pain or Dr Deville?"
  2. ............. are you taking on holiday?
  3. .............. do we need to take for the picnic?"
  4. .............. dress shall I wear, the red one or the blue one?"
  5. .............. kind of films do you like, horror films or thrillers?"
  6. .............. are you going to wear for the wedding?"
  7. ............. would you prefer, the onion soup or the prawn coctail?"
  8. ............. are you doing?" 
  9. .............sort of music do you like?" 
  10. your favourite sport?"         


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello seño Reyes. I am in class right now. The last day of the school year. Thanks God! I love your blog and I'm trying to getting to know it a little bit more.
Your friend Paqui Yeah.