Tuesday, April 01, 2014

@ Talking like a European Commissioner

In 4ºESO we've decided to go beyond our classroom borders: let's talk like a European Commissioner and defend in our speeches the different measures that will improve European cityzens' lives...

PART ONE ("learning how to speak"

Official texts about entrepreneurship, health, culture and youth, economy and science plenty of bureaucratic vocabulary important to prepare our speeches.

  A. A text about boosting small and mid-sized businesses: 
      Small Firms Get Boost Under New Plan

 B. Work as an EU interpreter. Listen to the podcast and translate the speech into Spanish .


A. A text about European economic crisis: Kick Starting of Economy

 B. Now let's work as an EU interpreter. Listen to the podcast and translate it into Spanish.


A. A text about EU policies for donations and transplants of organs.
 B. Now let's work as an EU interpreter. Listen to the podcast and translate it into Spanish.


A. A text about better prospects for researchers in the EU

B. Now let's work as an EU interpreter. Listen to the podcast and translate it into Spanish.

PART TWO ("making our report")

Let's become the member of a commission and give ideas and solutions to the following problem using the specific vocabulary you've learn in a elaborated report. Considerate again the TEXT STRUCTURES(problem and solution struct.) of this blog.

SITUATION: "You receive the special request of a group of young furniture-making entrepreneurs in Spain that want to succeed in Europe with the help of community founds and credits"

Your report should have:
  • Description of the present situation in Europe of SMEs (date, figures, problems, percentages of success...) 
  • 2 real examples of European firms that have succeeded in the European market
  • Give them 3 advices about succeding in Europe (measures, strategies, financing...)
Useful sources to be consulted:
 1. "Thinking BIG for small business"--->  http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/policies/sme/files /thinking_big_en.pdf
 2. "COSME program" --->  http://www.cyeyes.eu/index.php?id=176
 3. "37 examples of European SMEs" --->  http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/magazine/articles/smes-entrepreneurship/article_11041_en.htm
4. "Crowdfunding in the EU" --->  http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-13-906_en.htm

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